Tag Archive: Consciousness

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internet radio with Maggi Quinlan PhD on Blog Talk Radio

Greetings Everyone and Happy Spring Equinox – March 21,

This is a very potent time of year as the Wheel of the Year moves to the East, the element of Air, where all new inspirations, illumination, creations, dreams, thoughts and intentions have the elemental energy to manifest.  This and every Equinox is the time when the seasonal energy is in Balance, equal times of day and night, allowing a potential for creation to increase.  This is when we move out of the introverted energy of Winter, and begin our journey of individuation that fulfills itself at the Summer Solstice.

This is the turning point.  So let yourself dream.  Better yet, sit quietly with a lit candle, breathe into your belly, quiet your mind and allow your Divine Self to bring to your awareness some of the new inspirations that are brewing for you.  Don’t try to think about it or figure them out, just breathe quietly and allow your Deep Wisdom to do the heavy lifting.  What is important is that you hold a clear intention that whatever manifestation of personal power arises, that it be used for the highest good of all.  That makes it harder for the Ego to co-opt this powerful energy and misuse it.

Allow any new ways of Being to become manifest.  Perhaps it is a new approach to how you relate to yourself, or your partner or children.  Perhaps it is about finding new inspiration with your work, or allowing your creativity to express itself more loudly and forcefully in your life.  Whatever wants your attention, honor it, don’t push it away as silly or unimportant.  Sometimes the most important events in our lives start out as little nothings or so it seems.

Dream, be inspired, allow your life to change you, and say YES to the newness of life all around you.  Be grateful for all that is, even when we don’t like it.

Love and Blessings


Hello Everyone,

Sorry to be gone for so long.  I’ve been distracted dealing with housing issues, or actually I should say banking issues.  Wells Fargo Bank engaged in such devastating horrendous behavior that it destroyed my 45 year stellar credit rating, made refinancing my 1st mortgage impossible, and denied me a home modification, all while giving me completely erroneous information.  So needless to say, I’ve had my hands full.  But I am back.

I did this show on Death as the Ultimate and Final Transformation because there has been such a huge response to the first show on Death: the Forbidden Subject.  That was mostly history, while this deals with the Spiritual Dimension of this Final shift in consciousness out of our Human form.  In many cultures, Death is understood to be natural, and in the Tibetan culture, preparing for a good death was the purpose of life, but not in a maudlin or grim way.  That’s the problem with the Western world, we have been indoctrinated to think badly of Death, to see it as the Grim Reaper, rather than as the returning of our Spirit to it’s Source.

I know this may bump up against many people’s beliefs about Death and the afterlife.  But I have spent many years researching Near Death Experiences, in Adults and Children, and the overwhelming information just cannot be denied.  Death is a beautiful experience for those willing to be available for the Divine component of it all, in whatever that means for you.

I’m planning to do a year long program on Conscious Death and Dying, what it means and how to move towards that in your life.  How we look at Death is how we look at Life.  Both are powerful opportunities for expansion into the fullest capacity of our Divine Selves.  I hope you will join me in this powerful study.

As you may have heard I am getting my website up and running. We will be doing classes, workshops, group phone work, and lots of exciting teaching and healing together.   Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, I’ll have all my kinks worked out and we’ll be switching everything over there so we will be more consolidated.  Because the Radio Show has so many audio difficulties, I’m going to move into doing Video on my website in place of the radio show.  If you want me to keep you updated on when the launch is happening, drop me an email at maggiquinlan@me.com.  Let me know what is important to you, and anything you are interested in studying about Consciousness, Spirituality, Energy, Emotions and Transformations.

Love and Blessings


Listen to
internet radio with Maggi Quinlan PhD on Blog Talk Radio

Death.  Good Heavens it’s just not a subject for polite company.  Yet, I’m not sure why.  After all, it is an experience we ALL get to have, some later than others, but even still.  So how did it get this way?  In all my studies of Ancient Religions and Earth Based Spirituality, there was not this deep avoidance of Death.  It was understood to be a natural part of Life, just like the seasons of the year, it was our own cycle, no trauma or drama.  Of course there was Grief, but that is also natural, but Death itself was not something that was made into an Enemy to be Feared.

But this all changed, or should I say, was manipulated, to create a fear of not just the action of Death, but what would happen to us afterwards.  And it is important to understand how this came about.  Our entire concept of Death is a social construct that is designed to create fear, and get us to spend unnecessary money after someone dies in an effort to prove how much we loved them.  Seriously, you must understand this.  Everything about Death, including the Funeral is a situation in which you get to be deeply manipulated.

It is immoral for us to be afraid of the 2nd most natural process of our life after Birth.  Birth we celebrate with joy and congratulations, but Death, oh no, it is the “enemy” that we must “fight” to avoid.  How in the world can we every begin to approach our own Death with Self-Awareness and Consciousness if we are in such deep denial and fear about this inevitability in our lives?

Listen to the radio show, so you can learn some of the history that is affecting your view of Death, and consequently, your view of Life.  They are the bookends of our Life.  How we deal with one is directly connected to the other.  In other words, if you are afraid of Death, than at a very fundamental level you are afraid of Life.  Make some decisions about how you want your Death to be.

Than we can begin to talk about Conscious Death and Dying.  What does that mean, and how do we begin to prepare for a path that opens us to our own Universal Intelligence?  How do we practice coming into contact with this Energy now, so we have familiarity with it an approach to Life?  These are some of the bigger questions we’ll be exploring in a couple of weeks.

Until then, Be Love.  Be smooth.

Many Blessings


Listen to
internet radio with Maggi Quinlan PhD on Blog Talk Radio

This is such a powerful, deep and difficult discussion.  When we do not listen to, and then repress, the wisdom of our anger, which is giving us information that something in our life is not alright, depression results.  And Depression is a guidance system that tells us we are not paying attention to our emotional body, and that could be from one of many sources.  We may be ignoring sadness, grief, longing, despair, frustration, loneliness, or any other variety of emotions.  But if Anger is serving as the secondary emotion of protection and we don’t learn how to go deeper, Depression will result.

The challenge is how to not make Depression wrong, but rather to recognize it as a navigation system back to ourselves.  Depression shows you what needs to happen.  It makes you stop.  It makes you question.  It makes you see everything differently, often darkly, but there may be some truth in that darkness that is trying to guide you.  The key is to go deeper than the symptoms, literally ask the Depression what are the feelings that it wants you to know about, and then be available for what arises.  It may be that there are many layers of feelings, present or past that have been waiting for your attention, that are part of the Depression.  All of them are valid, and need to have your compassionate awareness turned towards them.

The key to working with the emotional body is always the same.  It is necessary to bring your undivided, compassionate attention to the feelings that are arising, and then go deeper into each feeling, delving deep to find the wisdom and guidance contained within each.  Emotions carry Intelligence, and we have to learn how to access that Intelligence in order to allow our lives to Transform into a new level of Consciousness, and subsequently a new quality of Life.

Be Love.  Be Smooth.

Many Blessings


Listen to
internet radio with Maggi Quinlan PhD on Blog Talk Radio

Integrity and Honor are words we don’t hear enough of in our personal dialogues, and especially in our collective and political realms.  And all too often, those using the words are doing just that, using them, not practicing them.  This talk is about the Shaman, Healer and Teacher Don Miguel Ruiz, and the powerfully small book he wrote called “The Four Agreements”.  They are simple, but powerful recognitions of the ways we keep ourselves out of honor and integrity with ourself and with our world, and what we can do to change that into a different reality.

We are the Co-Creators of our lives.  What do we want to create?  What are the qualities that are most important?  Perhaps the 4 Agreements will help you to discover that, so you can move your life into a deeper experience of empowerment and transformation.  And as we know, Consciousness is contagious.  Be a Being of Honor, a warrior of Integrity, a peacekeeper of Light, and a staff for the  Transformation into Higher Consciousness that is birthing itself into Being in every moment.

Be Love.  Be Smooth.

Many Blessings


Greetings All,

It has been fascinating to see how large a response this radio show received.  It really shows me how confused so many people are about how to be with this very powerful emotion, in a way that is healthy and constructive.  It really lays the foundation for a future episode on Fear, because when we don’t know how to use our anger to protect us, then Fear, the emotion of Survival has to come in for back up.

But how to respond, rather than react to Anger?  That seems to be the biggest question bothering people.  We are so used to feeling our anger, and either stuffing it, or reacting to it, there doesn’t seem to be an in–between, and there is.  The key here is to do two things: First, notice where you feel it in your body, and what it feels like, then, most importantly, acknowledge it, name it.  You may say something like “I’m noticing some anger in my body”.  You don’t need to understand in that moment or what it is about, just recognize and name the emotion.  If you can stay with that recognition, the anger will eventually show you what it wants you to see, how you need to take care of yourself, or what is not working.  What you don’t want to do is say “YOU” are making me angry, when you don’t even know what the anger is about.  Own the emotion as your own, and after you delve into it more deeply than you can have a discussion about what didn’t work for you.  Taking the blame and criticism (towards others) out of our anger is the first step to being able to work with it in a less destructive way.  Our emotions belong to us.  No one else MAKES us feel anything.  We feel because it is how our Innate Intelligence is communicating with us, giving us information.  It’s not about anyone else.  If you remember nothing else, this is key.

By getting into a habit of simply naming your emotion, it will allow you to begin to recognize it’s presence in your system, and move you out of being so reactive to it.  Then it stops being so frightening, and it stops blocking your access to other feelings as well.  The more you can recognize what you are feeling, and allow the wisdom of the emotions to guide you, the more you get to trust your capacity to be empowered with your life.

Be Love. Be Smooth.